Monday, December 7, 2009

What's with the Officiating? And stay in your seat!

Yesterday's Cowboys - Giants game.  Tony Romo is being pursued, throws the ball, incomplete.  47 seconds later, with some encouragement from the Giants fans and coaching staff, the ref throws a flag for intentional grounding.


So, I guess from now on the refs are just there for show, maybe the occasional false start call.  Delay of game, too, those are easy and usually non-controversial.  But, if there is a judgement call to be made, w-e-l-l-l, let's not be too quick to judge.  

Why the hell are some of these clowns are being paid is beyond me.

Part Deux

Went to the USC - Arizona game at the coliseum on Saturday.  Had our tickets, got our munchies, sat down for kickoff.  Had to stand up 107 times during the game to let hungry and thirsty morons with bladder control problems in and out of our row.  (I'm assuming that's what they were doing/where they were going.)

You read that right.  107

About 20% of them during a play!

OK, I'm gonna break this down for you dummies.

You are not at home.  There is no DVR, so you can't rewind to catch the plays you missed.  (Scratch that, the plays WE missed.)  Your up and downs and ins and outs of the row pisses off the people who  went to the game to actually watch the frickin game!

Here is the proper procedure, for those clueless idiots;

When you go to a game, you go to the john, and then buy your drinks and grub for the first half.  If you can't stand to go that long without food or drinks, there are vendors that will come to you.  If t you can't go that long without a bathroom break, don't buy the drinks, wear a Depends, or STAY HOME!

Wait till halftime.  Go pee.  Buy more eats and drinks.  Stay in your seat till the end of the game, unless you are standing up to cheer.  

Game over.  Leave.

Took a while, but I finally figured it out, most of these nimrods were not actually seated in our row, thew just wanted to improve their seats till the people who actually had tickets showed up.  So, next football game I'm at, I'm going to be ticket police.  I usually get aisle seats, so I'm gonna demand to see tickets before I let anyone into our row.  

Shame it has to come to that.